
With a technology as disruptive as the internet regarding information delivery it’s only natural that a discipline such as journalism would need to take adaptive measures.

Introducing online news media. The days of the morning and evening paper are quickly coming to an end. The consumption habits of readers have changed. No longer do they don’t read everything up to page three before we head off to work. The big boys are Fairfax Media’s “stuff.co.nz”, NZME’s “nzherald.co.nz” and Government of New Zealand’s “tvnz.co.nz”. Check them out.

But a word of caution. Journalism is not the same beast when on the internet. Suddenly news outlets can not be rely readers to read from beginning to end. So headlines are suddenly the main distinguishing feature of a website being clicked or in important journalism piece, not clicked. An informed technologically able newsreader, now sits at the table browsing news stories on his cellphone or on the couch on his tablet. The entire platform of the newspaper will be phased out by 2050 so the prized advertising spaces of the first three pages no longer exists. Now the most expensive real estate is on the stories that are getting the most views and this just happens to with headlines such as “Chauffeur among arrested Kim K suspects”.

I’m not going to lie. I… appropriated all these ideas from this video.

Despite these criticisms, news media is using the internet to reach more people, it saves mollah on newspaper subscriptions and the awkwardness of dealing with flimsy A1 newsprint sheets.

To get started, just type in the website names above, “www.stuff.co.nz”, “www.nzherald.co.nz” and “www.tvnz.co.nz” or conversely just pop “news stories new zealand” into Google.

Happy reading.


The Beginners Block

These articles are essential for beginners. We advise making your way through the entire block to get a grip on the fundamental, most used tools available on your computer through the internet.